

篇名 非正規教育學程認證制度之政策規劃與實施策略芻議
並列篇名 Policy Development and Implications of Accreditation of Non-Formal Education Programs
作者 王維旎 、蔡秀美 、陳怡華 、郭書馨
中文摘要 終身學習是二十世紀末延續到本世紀最重要的學習觀點與思潮,當終身教育與回流教育日益興盛之際,有關學習成就的資格認證與學歷證明問題也愈受到重視。我國於2006年11月起開始試辦非正規教育課程認證,透過該機制建構正規與非正規教育體制之間的橋樑,以落實終身學習。雖然本質上,課程認證具備認可個人學習、連結正規與非正規學習經驗等效益,但著重單一課程的教學內容認證,易忽略實際教學狀況與學習成果,也難以將所獲得的學分與其他學習經驗做系統性整合,加上參與課程認證的機構有限,使得我國非正規學習成就認證制度難以推展。本研究提出將非正規課程朝學程化發展的構想,利用文件分析法探討主要國家非正規學習成就認證制度的現況,並辦理焦點座談與公聽會以廣納意見,據此研擬我國非正規教育學程認證的實施辦法與途徑。最後本研究提出非正規教育學程認證制度朝授與終身學習學士學位、發展新興證照、與正規高等教育銜接,以及取得部分國家考試資格等方式發展之芻議,以為本研究之結論。
英文摘要 Lifelong learning has become one of the most influential learning perspectives since the last decade of the 20th century. When lifelong education and recurrent education have continued to gain popularity, issues relating to learning achievement qualification and accreditation also receive growing attention. In the November of 2006, Taiwan started its testing stage of granting accreditation to non-formal education courses, as a mechanism for bridging formal and non-formal education systems. Although course accreditation is considered to be beneficial to recognize individual learning and link formal and non-formal learning experiences, its contribution to promote national nonformal learning achievement qualification is limited due to its narrow focus on single-course content, its incompetence of integrating different learning experiences, and non-formal educational providers' little interest in application.Thus, our research proposed to construct a program accreditation mechanism to complement the current non-formal education course accreditation policy. Document analysis was conducted to understand similar policies from other countries; focus group interviews and public hearings were administrated to collect thoughts and suggestions on developing implementation strategies for accreditation of non-formal education programs. This paper concluded with four tentative approaches to complete the policy development and implications for accreditation of non-formal education programs: conferment of a Lifelong Learning Bachelor’s Degree, development of certificates in emerging areas, linkage to formal higher education, and acquisition of partial prerequisites for national civil service examinations.
頁次 067-106
關鍵詞 非正規教育 終身學習 認證 學程 學分移轉 non-formal education lifelong learning accreditation program credit transfer
卷期 17
日期 201112
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等