

篇名 视觉情绪知觉需要注意和意识吗?困惑及其原因
並列篇名 Can One Feel Visual Emotion Without Attention and Consciousness? The Confused Finding and Its Origins
作者 徐晓东 、刘昌
中文摘要 一些研究者通过操纵刺激知觉条件或者被试注意资源的分配方式来改变意识水平,他们报告视觉情绪刺激可以在没有进入意识的条件下知觉。但最近采用更为客观的方法揭示先前研究中所用的测量意识觉知的标准并不客观有效,这些以信号检测论为基础的研究显示,视觉情绪知觉离不开注意,注意通过自上而下和自下而上两种方式调控情绪知觉,除此之外还发现,个性变量,比如焦虑特质的差异也会影响到情绪知觉。
英文摘要 Some researchers have reported that emotional stimuli could be perceived even observers were unaware of the stimuli. In these studies, Awareness was controlled either by manipulating the stimulus conditions or by instructing observers on how to distribute their attention, however objective measure of visual awareness indicated that the criteria used to determine visual awareness on previous studies were not effective. Recent studies by signal detection theory methods show that attention is important for emotional visual stimuli perception, and emotion perception is modulated by attention via both exogenous bottom-up and endogenous top-down methods. Besides, the degree of such modulation correlates with personality and trait anxiety variables.
頁次 587-595
關鍵詞 注意 意识 觉知 注意焦点 Attention consciousness awareness focus of attention
卷期 15:4
日期 200707
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所