

篇名 我國中小學國際教育政策主軸與學校實踐分析
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Themes of the Policy of International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools and It’s Implementation in Schools
作者 林明地
中文摘要 本文以教育部《中小學國際教育白皮書》及相關的政策文件,分析我國中小學國際教育的政策內容主軸,並剖析其在學校實踐的相關議題。根據作者的分析,我國中小學國際教育的政策內容主軸包括以政策目標引導推動與實踐,且著重學生學習和各層級教育機構的分工與合作,並強調學校本位管理的推動方式,鼓勵善用多元資源,重視弱勢關懷,同時進行優先行動區的推展,以及以績效評鑑引導實踐等,而其政策內容考量不足之處主要在於無意間促成「外加式」推動的模式,以及專業推動人才不易於短期間大量培育。另外,本文指出中小學國際教育的學校實踐主要是透過學校本位管理的方式加以實踐,並符應學校變革的歷程加以推動。
英文摘要 This paper analyzed the themes of international education for primary and secondary schools based on related policy documents. It also discussed the issue of the implementation in schools. The author outlined several themes of international education for primary and secondary schools. These included leading by policy goals and focusing on student learning, emphasizing the division of labor and collaboration of different levels of the authorities of education, utilizing the practice of school-based management, encouraging resources integration, taking care of the disadvantaged students, and leading by evaluation. The author also pointed out the weakness of implementing the policy and the problems needed to be solved. Finally, this paper emphasized the importance of the practice of schoolbased management and the process of school reform.
頁次 014-026
關鍵詞 中小學國際教育 學校本位管理 學校變革 international education for primary and secondary schools school-based management school change
卷期 230
日期 201306
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司