

篇名 小学教师培训现状与需求分析—基于西北某区小学的调研
並列篇名 Primary School Teachers' Training Status and Needs Analysis: Research Based on A Northwestern Primary School
作者 付红霞 、乔茂凤
中文摘要 虽然我国目前相当重视教师培训,但是培训中突显的问题越来越多,其中主要是培训效果问题。对于如何提高培训的针对性和实效性,大量文献研究表明,主要是要做好教师培训现状与需求分析。因此,本研究以西北某区小学教师为样本进行实地调研,通过问卷调查和访谈等方法,主要结合学校自身和小学教师的实际情况,全面了解和分析样本学校教师参加培训的现状,主要就小学教师对培训的内容、形式、模式等实际需求进行整体分析,以期为今后组织富有针对性和实效性的小学教师培训提供一定的借鉴和参考。
英文摘要 China has attached considerable importance to the training of teachers, but just highlights the problem of training effectiveness. A lot of literature shows that improving the relevance and effectiveness of the training means making teacher training status and needs analysis. Therefore, this study of primary school teachers in the Northwest is based on a sample of field research methods, such as questionnaires and interviews, combined with the actual situation of the school and primary school teachers, a comprehensive understanding and analysis of the status of the sample school teachers to attend training, This study mainly talks about primary school teacher training content, form, pattern and the actual needs of the overall analysis, in order to provide a reference for the future organization full of more targeted and effective primary school teacher training.
頁次 082-087
關鍵詞 小学教师 教师培训 需求分析 primary school teachers training status needs analysis
卷期 9:3
日期 201206
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學