

篇名 一個成功教養過動兒的母親之人格特質、教養認知與教養策略之分析
並列篇名 Analysis of the personality traits and maternal cognition of a mother who successfully trained her child with ADHD
作者 王秀美(Hsiu-mei Wang) 、吳珍梅(Jen-Mei Wu)
中文摘要 本文採用質性研究方法,透過八次成長團體的對話與三次深度個別訪談,來探究一位成功教養家有過動兒的母親其人格特質、教養認知和教養策略,以做為過動兒家庭在教養歷程與親職經驗之參考依據。本研究發現如下:﹙1﹚受訪母親的人格特質包括:獨立性、自我開放、勤勉審慎性、堅持度以及友善性。(2)受訪母親的教養認知包括:了解孩子有先天上的限制、接納孩子現況不與他人做比較、成為孩子最信任的朋友、重視孩子的獨立自主以及把錯誤和失敗視為學習的機會。(3)受訪母親的教養策略包括:透過陪讀,來縮短孩子適應時間;經營友善環境,幫助孩子融入班級;幫助孩子融入新環境,再學習抽離;參加親職成長課程,調整教養策略;堅持運動,改善平衡感及專注力。本研究最後根據研究結果探究其意涵,並對過動兒親職、研究及實務提出相關建議。
英文摘要 Through a qualitative case study involving eight conversations in growth groupcounseling and three in-depth individual interviews, this study explored the personalitytraits, parenting cognition and strategies of a mother who succeeded in parenting her childwith ADHD. The findings of this study are as follows. First, the personality traits of themother included independence, openness, conscientiousness, persistence and agreeableness.Second, her parenting cognitions consisted of accepting the child’s weakness, becomingthe child’s best friend, training child to be independent, and seeing failure and mistakes asthe opportunity to learn. Third, her parenting strategies encompassed serving as her son’s study mentor to shorten the time of adaptation and integration into new environments,and then she learned to pull out. She also attended classes to learn parenting skills to adjusther parenting strategies. Based on these findings, the study provided some suggestionsabout how to teach child with ADHD. The strength and weakness of the research were alsodiscussed.
頁次 047-071
關鍵詞 過動兒 親職 人格特質 教養認知 教養策略 ADHD parenting personality trait parenting cognition parenting strategy
卷期 25
日期 201112
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系