

篇名 技術學院產學合作教育行政措施之個案研究
並列篇名 The Administrative Measures of Cooperative Education: A Case Study of One Institute of Technology
作者 張媛甯 、黃宗顯
中文摘要 產學合作教育結合理論與實務以縮短學校教學與產業需求的落差,目前已成為高等技職教育的新趨勢。本研究選擇青青技術學院(化名)進行個案研究,透過文件分析與訪談學校行政主管、教師及餐旅業界人士之質性研究,以瞭解該校產學合作教育行政措施的內容與運作。本研究發現,青青技術學院採取下列行政措施:設置專責單位「實習就業組」並採用集權/分權整合管理方式;依據業界基本條件遴選合作夥伴,進而強調進階條件及擬定配套措施;舉辦多元化職前輔導與校園徵才活動,採用矩陣安置進行實習分發;教師進行訪視輔導並結合工作指導員督導,以協助學生適應與成長;採用多元評量方式評定學生校外實習成績,力求公平與客觀。最後歸納結論並提出建議,作為青青技術學院、相關利害關係人及進行後續研究之參考。
英文摘要 Cooperative education which integrates theory and practice to bridge the gap between academy and industry becomes the new trend in higher technical and vocational education. This study aims to understand administrative measures of cooperative education in Ching-Ching Institute of Technology by qualitative research to realize the operations and contexts. The study has following findings about administrative measures of cooperative education in Ching-Ching Institute of Technology: establish internship/career office to be in charge of operating affairs and adopt centralized/decentralized management; choose cooperative partners according to basic condition, then emphasize advanced condition and frame supplementary measures for new system; hold diverse pre-employment activities and campus recruitment, and introduce matrix placement for students’ cooperative education placement; assist students’ accommodation and growth by coordinating teachers’ joint/individual on-site counseling and workplace supervisor’s guidance. Educational institutions should consider their related conditions and accommodate stakeholders’ needs to implement administrative measures, and strengthen the perception of industry-academy partnership for building strategic alliance to maximize students’ learning effectiveness; make effort to have fair and objective score results by using multiple-assessment methods to evaluate student performance. Lastly, the authors offer some suggestions to Ching-Ching Institute of Technology, other stakeholders and following researches for reference.
頁次 77-117
關鍵詞 行政措施 個案研究 產學合作教育 administrative measures case study cooperative education
卷期 9:1
日期 201006
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院