

篇名 當事人於焦點解決短期諮商中之賦能知覺分析
並列篇名 The study of clients’ empowerment in the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
作者 林俊德(Lin, Jiun-De)
中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在於探討及瞭解當事人於焦點解決短期諮商中的賦能知覺內涵。本研究採用焦點解決短期諮商模式對三位主動求助之當事人分別進行五至七次諮商,並於每次諮商結束後立即進行低結構之深度訪談,蒐集到十八次諮商後訪談文字稿,輔以現象學資料分析法進行資料分析,研究發現當事人對賦能之知覺內涵包括有:「自我取向式」、「互動取向式」及「行動取向式」等三項賦能類別。其中「自我取向式賦能」,包含有:「轉好」、「有用」、「有能」、「有力」、「能量」等賦能要素;而「互動取向式賦能」,則有諮商中及諮商外的「他助」類賦能要素;「行動取向式賦能」則涵蓋有「解決建構」及「自助」類賦能要素。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to identify the nature of the clients’ perceived empowerment in the counseling process of solution-focused brief Therapy (SFBT). The meanings of empowerment to the clients were included. Three voluntary clients received 5-7 sessions of SFBT. In-depth interviews were given to clients after each counseling of session within 24 hours. Eighteen transcripts were collected then analyzed through the phenomenological approach. The three types of clients’ perceived empowerment were found. They were self-oriented empowerment, interaction-oriented empowerment and action-oriented empowerment. Five elements, which were promotion, efficacy, competence, power and energy, were included in the types of self-oriented empowerment. Two elements, which were others-help in/ and out of counseling session, were included in the interaction-oriented empowerment. Two elements, which were solution-construct and self-help, were included in the action-oriented empowerment. Based on these results, discussions and recommendations were proposed for the future research and related practice.
頁次 079-098
關鍵詞 焦點解決短期諮商 賦能 empowerment Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
卷期 24
日期 201312
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所