

篇名 教科书中教师形象之文本分析
並列篇名 A Text Analysis on Teachers' Image in Textbooks
作者 蒋洁蕾
中文摘要 小学《语文》教科书通过自然属性、外在形象和内在形象等方面来塑造典型的教师形象。就自然属性而言,教科书中的教师以中国当代年轻女教师为主。就外在形象而言,教科书中的教师衣着正式、保守、简单、朴素; 言行亲切和蔼、沉稳严厉、刚柔相济。就内在形象而言,教科书中的教师知识渊博、智慧聪颖、关爱学生、谦虚礼貌、勤恳敬业、热爱祖国。教科书中的教师形象是主流意识形态的呈现,教科书中教师群体结构失衡是对现实的复演,教科书中的教师形象给人以职业刻板和性别刻板的印象。
英文摘要 Primary school Chinese textbook shapes the typical image of teachers using natural attribute,external image and internal image. In terms of natural attribute,teachers in textbook are mainly Chinese contemporary young females. In terms of external image,teachers in the textbook dress formally,conservative and simple. What’s more,they are kind,strict and soft. In terms of internal image,teachers in textbook are knowledgeable,intelligent,caring,modest and polite,diligent and devoted,patriotic. Teachers image in the textbook present a mainstream ideology. The unbalance about the structure of teacher group in textbook is a payback to the reality.There are vocational stereotypes and sex stereotypes about teachers' image in textbook.
頁次 039-045
關鍵詞 教师形象 小学《语文》教科书 文本分析 teachers' image primary school Chinese textbook text analysis
卷期 10:1
日期 201302
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學