

篇名 文化生态视域下教育的基础性变革审思
並列篇名 Reflection on the Fundamental Transformation of China Education under the Perspective of Cultural Ecology
作者 杨小微
中文摘要 从越重教越贫穷的高考状元县和以复读拉动\"经济"的高考神话镇这两个极端例证中,可以感受到我国重教传统的当代畸变。"学而优则仕\"这一千年情结加上现实巨大的人口压力,合成了当下中国民众一种普遍的生存焦虑。正视这一关乎中国社会未来健康发展的文化心态,以远见卓识导引方向、以舒缓方式采取行动,可望营造出宜于基础教育改革取得真实成效的教育文化新生态。
英文摘要 From two extreme examples, one is the county full of champions of college entrance examination which is poorer when it pays more attention to education, and the other is the myth town which stimulates economy by retaking courses, we can feel the contemporary distortion of our tradition. The complex of "A good scholar will make an official" and huge population pressure make us Chinese people feel a kind of universal existence anxiety. Face up to the cultural mentality related to the health development of our society, guide the direction with foresight and take actions with moderate methods will create new education cultural ecology suitable for effective basic education reform.
頁次 005-011
關鍵詞 会宁现象 毛坦厂现象 文化生态视域 教育的基础性变革 Huining phenomenon Maotanchang phenomenon the perspective of cultural ecology fundamental transformation of education
卷期 9:6
日期 201212
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學