

篇名 習慣領域短期成長營活動之研究以青少年「快樂成長體驗冬令營」為例
並列篇名 Activity Research on Habitual Domain Short Term Growth Camp-Using Youth Winter Growth Camp as an Example
作者 張翠園(Chang, Tusi-yuan) 、卓文乾(Chuo, Wen-chien) 、蕭進益(Shiau, J. Y.)
中文摘要 本研究以質化之個案研究的方式,藉由「CIPP教育評鑑」理論,探討「國立台灣科技大學EMBA習慣領域實踐會」所舉辦的「習慣領域快樂成長體驗冬令營」的活動。研究者以CIPP教育評鑑模式的核心概念:背景評鑑(Context)、輸入評鑑(Input)、過程評鑑(Process)及成果評鑑(Product),分別提供方案、計畫的推動和修正上不同的回饋。研究發現:1.背景評鑑:目前台灣青少年缺乏「人本」教育,因此,利用寒、暑假,讓「習慣領域理論」透過生動有趣的方式與青少年接觸,可達到潛移默化的效果。2.輸入評鑑:藉由現有人力、物力、財力資源的投入,可節省一半以上的成本,收到事半功倍的效果。3.過程評鑑:資深習慣領域教授主講,「理論課程」加上「體驗活動」,生動有趣、深富哲理,兼具啟發與樂趣,可達到「寓教於樂」的最佳效果。4.成果評鑑:高達90%的孩子,都希望再次參加習慣領域的活動。習慣領域理論可藉由類似的活動達到推廣目的。『璞玉之華,要用愛心琢磨。』青少年的可塑性高,如果能夠在此時期建構良好的思維模式,對於孩子的一生將會有許多的幫助。習慣領域向下扎根是深層的教育,縱使無法展現即時效應,達到立竿見影的效果,可是長久的強化、紮根,對於孩的未來的一定大有助益。
英文摘要 A research was conducted to investigate the youth winter camp activity held by NTUST EMBA Habitual Domain (HD) Practice Association. The research method relies on a qualitative research case study and the CIPP education evaluation model. Applying core concept underlying the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process and product approach), researchers were able to develop plans, promote the program, and modify various feedback.This study reveals the followings: 1) Context evaluation: Youth in Taiwan currently lacks of humanistic education. Therefore, in winter and summer vacation, HD can reach to youth by creating enjoyable activities and can achieve subtle effect. 2) Input evaluation: By utilizing existing personnel, material and financial resources, the results can be doubled by reducing more than half of the cost. 3) Process evaluation: By offering lectures from senior professors, best entertaining results can be achieved by combining "theoretical course" and "experience campaign". 4) Product evaluation: 90% of the youth attendees wanted to participate in this kind of activity again. This indicates that HD theory can be promoted by developing such camp activity.The beauty of jade can be revealed slowly by love and caring. So does the youth. If a positive thinking model can be constructed for youth during this stage, it will benefit their life tremendously. HD is an education requiring deep root approach. Even it's difficult to have an immediate affect and to achieve instant result, it can still benefit youth's future by long term enhancement and root development.
頁次 155-177
關鍵詞 習慣領域 CIPP評鑑模式 青少年 成長營 Habitual Domain HD CIPP evaluation model Youth Growth Camp
卷期 2:1
日期 201011
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會