

篇名 社會故事對廣泛自閉症者介入成效之分析
並列篇名 A Research Synthesis of Social Story Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
作者 黃美慧(Huang, Mei-hui) 、鈕文英(Niew, Wern-Ing)
中文摘要 本研究旨在描述和後設分析2000至2009年間,國內外19和27篇社會故事介入廣泛自閉症者之研究現況和成效,進一步探究它在不同年齡和類別之廣泛自閉症者,以及介入 目標、是否合併其他策略上之成效。結果發現國內外2005至2009間的研究數量,均較2000至2004年間多;多數研究採單一受試研究法;研究對象皆以國小、自閉症居多;介入目標皆以增加適當人際互動行為最多;介入策略皆顯示大多研究會加入其他策略。在社會故事的介入成效上,描述分析發現國內外研究皆顯示大多有立即和維持成效;而在類化成效上,國內外皆僅有少數研究探討,且僅部分研究或介入目標有類化成效。後設分析結果呈現國內社會故事具有「中等效果」(平均PND
英文摘要 The purposes of this research adopting descriptive analysis and meta-analysis were to explore the overall effect of 19 and 27 social story interventions on Taiwan and American students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) between 2000 and 2009, as well as the effects analyzed by moderator variables-age, ASD categories, intervention targets, and
combining/not combining other strategies. The research findings were presented as follows:(a) the number of between 2005 and 2009 was more than that of between 2000 and 2004; (b)the majority of research adopted single-subject research design; (c) more participants were students with autism, and from elementary level; (d) more research targeted on improving
appropriate inter personal interaction behaviors; (e) more resea rch combined other strategies; (f) social story interventions had acquisition and maintenance effects, however,few research analyzed generalization effects; (g) social story interventions were more effective on participants from pre-school level. Overall, Taiwan social story interventions were moderately effective (PND = 84.261%) than American interventions which were mildly effective (PND = 69.85%). Besides, it had greater effects on students with autism than Asperger´s syndrome,
improving appropriate behaviors than inappropriate ones,combining other strategies than not combining other strategies.
頁次 001-023
關鍵詞 社會故事 廣泛自閉症 描述分析 後設分析 social story autism spectrum disorders (ASD) descriptive analysis metaanalysis
卷期 22
日期 201006
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系