

篇名 四川省特殊教育教师现状调查报告
並列篇名 The Report of the Special Teachers Situation in Sichuan
作者 章永 、张杨
中文摘要 目的:了解四川省特殊教育师资现状以及特殊教育师资培训现状,为特殊教育教师培养培训工作提供依据,促进特殊教育事业高质量快速发展。方法:通过问卷、访谈、实地考察、座谈研讨等方式对四川省19所特殊教育学校的233名专任教师进行调查。结果:四川省特教专业教师数量严重不足、负担过重、分布不均;师资队伍逐渐呈年轻化趋势,职后学历结构明显提升;教师专业背景较为缺乏,专业素质参差不齐;职后培训次数少、时间短、培训内容单一,缺乏制度化安排;专任教师心理健康问题检出率较高,职业倦怠显著,主观幸福感低。
英文摘要 The aim of the research is to understand the situation of Sichuan special teachers and special teachers' training, provide foundation to the special teacher training and cultivating, and promote the quality of special education course with higher speed. This thesis is based on the research of 233 teachers from 19 special education schools by questionnaire, interviewing, on-the-spot investigation, and discussing, etc. The research result shows: (1) The amount of special teachers is seriously insufficient; the teachers’ distribution is uneven; most of them are over-burdened. (2) The special teacher troops are gradually getting younger; their qualification structure is highly promoted; 74.25% of the teachers are female. (3) The special teachers are lack of professional background. There is much difference in the professional qualities for various people. (4) The follow-up trainings are few, short, and simple with no regular arrangement. (5) The rate of psychological problem and job burnout among professional teachers is fairly high; on the contrary, the sense of happiness is too low.
頁次 092-098
關鍵詞 特殊教育 教师 调查报告 special education teachers report
卷期 9:5
日期 201210
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學