

篇名 如何“在中国”进行基础教育改革?
並列篇名 How to promote the reform of basic education “In china”
作者 李政涛
中文摘要 处在大时代中的中国基础教育改革者,如何“在中国”进行基础教育改革?需要基于“方法论”的眼光,审视中国基础教育改革;站在“中国立场”,创造“基础教育改革”的中国经验;以“耐心和从容的心态”,面对中国基础教育改革的成败得失。
英文摘要 As for the Chinese reformers of the basic education who are in this huge era, they have to answer such a question: how to promote the reform of basic education “In China”? They need to cast a light of the reform of basic education of China in the view of “methodology”; stick to China's stance to create China's experiences of the reform of basic education; the reformers also should face the gain and loss of the reform of basic education with patience and calm mentality.
頁次 003-008
關鍵詞 方法论 中国立场 心态 基础教育 改革 Methodology China's stance Mentality Basic Educa tion Reform
卷期 7:9
日期 201009
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學