

篇名 9.11之后美国外语语言教育立法的发展
作者 巨静
中文摘要 语言与文化休戚相关。审视一国的语言政策是不能忽视和脱离其深刻的政治文化内涵和导向的。以维护和彰显英语的支配地位为宗旨的美国语言政策决定了该国的语言立法是为同化其他非英语语言服务的,因此美国对外语语言教育立法一直不够重视,致使其外语教育的质量和普及率很低。9.11之后美国积极推行外语语言教育立法,以期通过国家语言的子域安全带来文化的母域安全。
英文摘要 Language is in close relation to culture. Research of a nation’s language policy will not do without reference to its political culture. Language policy of the United States, with English Priority as its core, decides that its language legislation is to assimilate other non-English languages. So its foreign language legislation has not been valued. After 9.11, the U.s. began to strengthen this legislation for the purpose that the safety of national language will bring about safety of culture.
頁次 011-013
關鍵詞 9.11 外语语言立法 政治文化 9.11 Foreign language legislation Political culture
卷期 384
日期 200905
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部