

篇名 課程設計核心素養九軸論
並列篇名 Nine Themes of Core Competencies Regarding Curriculum Design
作者 蔡清田
中文摘要 本文提出「課程設計核心素養九軸論」,涵納了「語文表達與符號運用」、「資訊科技與媒體素養」、「藝術欣賞與生活美學」、「道德實踐與公民責任」、「人際關係與團隊合作」、「多元文化與國際理解」、「身心健康與自我實現」、「系統思考與問題解決」、「規劃執行與創新應變」等九個核心素養主軸,並提出「核心素養九軸論」兩項要點:其一是「核心素養九軸論」,能與國際接軌並與灣本土研究成果趨勢一致;其二是此套「核心素養九軸論」共有九項關鍵而重要的主軸內容範疇,可做為課程設計之依據。
英文摘要 The author in this paper "Nine Themes of Core Competencies Regarding Curriculum Design" outlined a nine theme domain of "language expression and symble application," "information technology and media literacy," "art appreciation and life aesthetics", "citizen responsibility and moral praxis," "interpersonal relationship and teamwork collaboration", "international understanding and multi-culture," "body helath and self-actualization", "system thinking and problem-solving," "plan execution and creative change' as a reference content regarding core competencies. Firstly, the rationale of this nine-theme of national core competencies came from both international study and Taiwan local research results; Secondly, each of this nine-theme domain of core competencies emphasized its individual important content.
頁次 130-142
關鍵詞 九軸論 核心素養 國民核心素養 課程設計 nine theme theory core competencies national core competencies curriculum design
卷期 227
日期 201303
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司