

篇名 高等教育服務學習與公民參與之關係
並列篇名 The Relationships between Civic Participation and Service Learning in Higher Education
作者 劉若蘭
中文摘要 我國教育部為了推廣大專院校參與社會服務學習,提升良好的公民素養及實踐公民責任,鼓勵各校將服務學習融入課程之中,但目前各大學推動服務學習課程過程中,仍有許多困難要克服。其中,如何規劃服務學習課程與方案,才能有效連結服務與學習,增進互惠的功能,進而提升學生公民參與的能力,應是重要的課題。本文主要由服務學習與社會正義之關係,以及有品質的服務學習促進公民參與,說明高等教育服務學習與公民參與之關係。理想的服務學習課程或方案需要具備協同合作、互惠、多元、以學習為基礎與社會正義等五項特質,高等教育服務學習對於學生公民參與的影響,需要考量服務學習方案或課程規劃與實施的方式。我們期許未來有更多的學校與教育人員投入,安排有意義的社區服務,促使學生從服務中獲得自信,展現多元智能,應用所學為社區解決問題,同時透過反思帶領,了解社會議題,並發展公民責任感,學生、學校與社區彼此互惠增能。
英文摘要 Numerous universities and colleges have recently encouraged related departments to incorporate service learning into their curriculums and club activities and enhance the civic literacy and social responsibility of their students. Thus, planning curriculums and projects relating to service learning that effectively connect community services and learning to enhance their citizen-participation abilities is a significant topic of discussion. This article examines the relationship between service learning and social justice, and examines the concept that quality service learning expedites citizen participation. An ideal service-learning curriculum or program should simultaneously comprise 5 traits: collaboration, reciprocity, diversity, learning-based, and social justice focus. In addition, when determining the effects of service learning in higher education on student citizen participation, the design of servicelearning curriculum or project and the quality of its implementation should be considered. We suggest that educational personnel arrange meaningful community services to allow students to learn from these services. With this acquired knowledge, students are able to solve community problems, reflect on and understand social issues, and develop social responsibility, thereby facilitating the collective and mutual development of students, schools, and communities.
頁次 018-030
關鍵詞 公民參與 社會正義 服務學習 civic participation social justice service learning
卷期 227
日期 201303
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司