

篇名 HD 智慧之修煉:「知背信解行證」
並列篇名 Drilling and Practicing the Learning and Doing of HD wisdom- knowing, reciting, believing, real understanding, doing and verifying
作者 蕭進益(Shiau, J. Y.)
中文摘要 本文是對HD 智慧的修習與力行的實務分享,探討如何更有效地從「知到」邁向「做到」的「知背信解行證」方便法,並以HD 學說理論加以解析,讓我們更透通、善用「信心和全力知行,是達到目標的不二法門」。
英文摘要 This article is to share my experience about active learning and doing of HD wisdom. I followed the convenient process of “knowing, reciting, believing, real understanding, doing and verifying” to enrich my HD, from “known” state to reach“well done” state and eventually getting the effectiveness. The process is analyzed and explained by HD theory. It lets us know more thoroughly and use more effectively one of HD tenets: “confidence and total commitment to learning and doing is the only way to reach our goal.
頁次 073-084
關鍵詞 知到 做到 知背信解行證 known state well done state knowing reciting believing real understanding doing and verifying
卷期 3:1
日期 201111
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會