

篇名 探討創新動態學-以宏碁公司能力轉化為例
並列篇名 Innovation Dynamics-A Case Study on Acer New Business Model
作者 黃正新(Huang, Cheng-hsin) 、黃鴻順(Huang, Hung-shun) 、游伯龍(Yu, Po-lung)
中文摘要 企業為了獲利、永續經營、適應競爭環境、創造更多的顧客,需要不斷的變革及創新。而為了落實創新,企業可以從顧客的需求面著手,深入顧客的潛在領域,洞悉顧客的痛苦、煩惱和壓力,以提供合適的產品或服務給顧客,解除顧客的痛苦、煩惱和壓力,創造價值。本研究以「習慣領域理論」(Habitual Domains Theory)、「能力集合分析」(Competence Set Analysis)為基礎,探討企業透視本身、供應商、經銷商及顧客之「壓力結構」(Charge Structure)後,制定贏贏策略,轉化其能力集合,提出創新經營模式,達到所設定的目標。本研究以「創新動態學」(Innovation Dynamics)為分析架構,對宏碁公司在2000年到2009 年的「二造工程」期間進行個案研究,發現宏碁在這段變革時期所實施的新經營模式(五大變革策略,見3.3.),都是考量上下游參與者之壓力結構,所制定的策略,故能提供符合顧客期待的產品及服務,有效地在短期內打響其品牌知名度,在2009年創下年營收新台幣5,739.8億的佳績(宏碁股份有限公司,2000-2009),達到全球個人電腦及筆記型電腦市占率皆為第二名的新里程碑。透過個案的分析,印證創新動態學能協助企業,有系統地檢視企業創新流程,包含能力集合轉化、解除參與者潛在領域的壓力、創新創造價值等內涵,讓企業進行變革與創新時,有明確的、系統的脈絡可尋。
英文摘要 In order to gain profit, sustain business, adapt to competitive environment and to create more customers, an enterprise has to make continuous reform and innovation. To have successful innovation, the enterprise needs to meet customers' needs and expectation by getting into the depth of customers' potential domains, the enterprise can better understand their pain, frustration and charge, and be more able to provide right products or services to release their pain, frustration and charge as to create values. Based on "Habitual Domains Theory" and "Competence Set Analysis", this research explores how an enterprise can think through the "charge structure" of itself, suppliers, distributors and customers as to effectively form win-win strategy, transform competence sets, innovate business operation and achieve its management goal. "Innovation Dynamics" is used as a basic framework for a case study on acer Inc., on its "2nd reforming project" during the period from 2000 to 2009. We show that acer's new business operation models were, explicitly or implicitly, based on deep consideration of the charge structures of all participants in the supply chain. This practice enables it to provide good products and services in timely pattern to meet customers' expectation, which make its brand name visible with positive impact within short period of time. In 2009, its annual revenue was 573.98 billion NT dollars and its market share of ranked number 2 in both global desktop PC and notebook markets. The case study strongly shows that Innovation Dynamics provides a cyclical and systematic framework for enterprises to effectively transform competence sets, develop and produce new products/services, release pain and frustration for the targeted customers, create and release charge, create value and distribute values, etc. Innovation Dynamics can be used by enterprises to examine the key management problems and solutions in the dynamic processes of innovation and reforming for continued business success.
頁次 093-118
關鍵詞 習慣領域 能力集合 創新動態學 壓力結構 創新 Habitual Domains Competence Set Analysis Innovation Dynamics Charge Structure Innovation
卷期 1:2
日期 201006
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會