

篇名 教师工作价值取向与教师管理的三部曲─谋生、职业、事业与顺从、认可、内化
並列篇名 Trilogy of Teacher’s Work Orientation and Teacher’s Management:Job, Career, Calling, and Compliance, Identification, Internalization
作者 何云霞
中文摘要 西方学者将工作价值取向划分为谋生取向、职业取向与事业取向三种类型。不同工作价值取向的教师,有不同的工作认识和行为,工作的主动性、幸福感和满意度也有很大的差别。因此,他们对教师管理的态度也有顺从、认可、内化之别。鉴于此,在教师管理中,一方面,对不同工作价值取向的教师个体,要实施有针对性的管理;另一方面,对由不同工作价值取向个体组成的教师群体,要逐步引导更多教师由谋生走向职业,再由职业升华到事业,最终实现教师管理的理想境界。
英文摘要 Western scholars divide work orientation into three categories, including job, career and calling. Teachers with different work orientations differ in their feeling and knowledge of work, and their behaviors in work, which in turn affect their initiative, subjective well-being, and satisfaction at work. So their attitudes towards teacher’s management differ, which are compliance, identification, internalization respectively. Therefore, in the process of teacher’s management, on one hand, in view of single teacher’s difference in work orientation, there should be difference in management; on the other hand, teacher’s group, made up of single teacher with different work orientation, can be led to develop from job to career, from career to calling, finally, reaching the ideal state of teacher’s management.
頁次 45-49
關鍵詞 教师工作价值取向 教师管理 Work Orientation Teacher’s Management
卷期 7:6
日期 201006
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學