

篇名 德國高等教育認可制度發展狀況之探討
並列篇名 A Study on the Developmental Situation of Accreditation System in German Higher Education
作者 余曉雯
中文摘要 德國高等教育自2000年開始進行新學程的認可系統至今,所受到的主要批評為:太貴、太浪費、不適合這麼多學程、提供大學過少的管控性知識、無法支持大學的品質保證。因此,在2005年9月22日所召開的各邦文教部長聯席會議中,即決議要求「認可委員會」研擬認可系統繼續發展之可能性建議,以求能簡化程序、減低費用。經過相關專家與人員研議後,「認可委員會」在2007年5月8日提出「認可系統持續發展之建議」。此建議的核心為:透過高等教育內部品質保證系統之認可,以補充「學程認可」之不足,亦即引入「系統認可」。並且,隨即在2008年2月29日的會議中對「系統認可」之標準與實施程序做出決議,為「系統認可」之引入奠定基石。本研究之目的即在探討認可制度在德國的沿革發展、具體施行程序及判準,以及其所面臨的問題與挑戰,以期能從其中思考認可制度在設計上所需考量的各種面向,而真正達到提升高等教育品質的目標。
英文摘要 In 2000, the German higher education has implemented the policy of accreditation for the new programs after the grade of bachelor and master has been introduced. So far, the main critics of this system have been: it is too expensive, too wasteful and inappropriate for so many programs. In addition to that, it provides the university too little knowledge for control, and can not support the university’s quality assurance. As a result, at the joint meeting held in September 22, 2005, the Conference of Cultural Minister (KMK) requested the Accreditation Council to develop a new system with a view to simplify procedures and reduce costs. Based on the study by experts, the Accreditation Council made a recommendation for the development of the accreditation system in May 8, 2007. The core of this proposal is to supplement the program accreditation through accrediting the internal quality assurance system of the university. That is, to introduce the “system accreditation”. And then in February 29, 2008, the Accreditation Council made the resolution about the standards and procedures of the system accreditation, which lays the cornerstone for the introduction of this system. The purpose of this study is then on the one hand to explore the development, concrete procedures, standards of the accreditation system and its problems and challenges. On the other hand, based on the study of the system in Germany and the considerations from the relevant literatures about the quality assurance, it aims to indicate some aspects which should be taken into account when designing a accreditation system to improve and enhance the quality of higher education.
頁次 69-101
關鍵詞 高等教育國際化 國際學生招募 歐洲國家 internationalization of higher education international student European countries
卷期 67
日期 200911
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會