

篇名 结合中西方文化原则谈大学英语教学方法改革之方向
作者 丁丽红
中文摘要 语言和文化密不可分,学习一门外语的过程,就是掌握一种新文化的过程。大学生交际能力的提高既需要对所学外语知识的掌握,也需要对所学语言使用国文化背景的了解,注意中西文化差异。但由于受传统教法的影响,文化教学在大学英语教学中被忽视,学生的跨文化交际能力远未得到培养。
英文摘要 Language and culture are inseparable, learning a foreign language course is to master a new culture process. Communicative ability of students to improve both the need for know--how of the foreign language, but also the need for what they have learned the use of languages and cultural background knowledge of the country, pay attention to differences between Eastern and Western cultures. May be due to the impact of the traditional teachings and culture teaching in college English teaching has been neglected, students cross--cultural communicative competence is far from being cultured.
頁次 118-119
關鍵詞 文化教育 大学英语 教学方法 改革 Culture and education College English Teaching methods Reform
卷期 411
日期 201002
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部