

篇名 校本课程开发的技术问题及文化学研究
並列篇名 Technical Problem of School-Based Curriculum Development and Its Cultural Studies
作者 鲍道宏(BAO Dao-hong)
中文摘要 课程改革以来,校本课程开发在取得显著成绩的同时,身陷“技术”不足与“技术决定论”双重困境。 “技术”不足的原因极为复杂,但主要是课程文化模式转变的伴生物。“技术决定论”思想根源是哲学上的普 遍主义。新课程实验中校本课程开发采用“研究- 开发- 推广”的范式,带着普遍主义的烙印。在文化学视野中, 外来文化的“校本课程开发”与在地课程文化整合,除需价值认同、理论技术支持,相互交往的“行动”与“充 分的岁月”也是必不可少的条件。
英文摘要 Since the curriculum reform, school-based curriculum development has made significant achievements, but at the same time it has been caught in dilemma of both " lack of technology" and "technological determinism". Cause of " lack of technology" is extremely complex, which is mainly the concomitant of the cultural paradigm shift. "Technological determinism" is led by Universalism in philosophy. School-based curriculum development in the New Curriculum has been adopting the "research-development-promotion" branded with the mark of universalism. In Cultural Perspective, for the integration of the foreign culture of "school-based curriculum development" and the native culture, In addition to the value identification, theoretical and technical support, interaction of the "action" and "enough years" is also necessary for us to reach the goal.
頁次 062-069
關鍵詞 校本课程开发 技术 技术决定论 教育行动研究 school-based curriculum development technology technological determinism educational action research
卷期 13:6
日期 201612
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學