

篇名 大學生閱讀理解高分組和低分組的後設認知覺察
並列篇名 College Good and Poor Comprehenders5 Self-perception of Metacognitive Competencies
作者 蘇慧瑩(Su, Hui-ying) 、黃瀞儀(Huang, Jing-yi)
中文摘要 相關研究顯示學習者的後設認知能力是影響閱讀理解的重要關鍵因素之一。因此,本研究旨在探討大學生閱讀理解高分組和低分組的信念及閱讀策略中的後設認知覺察;並了解後設認知覺察如何能預測閱讀理解。本研究的樣本為中台灣主修數學、會計及英語的一百八十四位大一新生。所有學生均先進行多益閱讀測驗。研究依多益閱讀測驗結果分為高、低分組。高分組為所有學生在閱讀成績上的前百分之二十七,而低分組為後百分之二十七。每一組樣本數為五十一名,總數為一百零二名。之後,所有學生填寫由Mok,Fan,及Pang學者於2007所研發之動機、認知及後設認知量表。此量表共有三十五題、六個分量表,分別為六題自我效能、四題學習内在價值、六題後設認知策略、八題學習策略使用、六題調整學習及五題學習評量。研究結果顯示學生的閱讀能力對整個後設認知能力的自我覺察頻率有顯著差異《高分組在大部分自我覺察其後設認知能力顯著優於低分組。高、低分組在所有分量表中,使用學習策略頻率最多。由此可見有效使用策略可以增進學習成效,而以策略導向的教學方式使學生具備自我導向及自主學習能力,因而更強化學生的學習。
英文摘要 Studies have shown that learners’ metacognitive competencies are the critical factors that significantly impact degrees of reading comprehension. Thus, the present study aimed at examining the college good and poor comprehenders’ beliefs and metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, and how they predicated students’ reading comprehension. Participants included 184 first year undergraduates, who studied in central Taiwan and majored in math, accounting, and English respectively. All the students were first given a TOEIC Reading Comprehension test, used as a means of dividing all the participants into two groups: the groups of good and poor comprehenders. Based on the results of the Reading Comprehension test, the former group was composed of the top 27% of the participating students, and the latter contained the bottom 27% of all the students. Thus, each group had fifty-one students, totaling 102 students. In addition, for delving into learners’ multiple metacognitive competencies, a self-report questionnaire adopted from Mok, Fan, and Pang’s (2007) study was employed. Both groups rated their own metacognitive competencies by responding to an inventory of six motivational- and cognitive-metacognitive subscales. The constructed subscales consisted of Self-efficacy (6 items), Intrinsic value of learning (4 items), Knowledge of metacognitive strategies (6 items), Use of learning strategies (8 items), Regulation of learning (6 items) and Evaluation of learning (5 items). Thirty-five items were developed. Results showed that learner proficiency level had a statistically significant effect on frequency of self-perception of overall metacoginitive competencies. Besides, good comprehenders reported significantly higher self-perception of metacognitive competencies on most categories than the poor ones did. Finally, for both good and poor comprehenders, Use of learning strategies ranked highest. Therefore, it is worth noting the effective use of strategies contributes to success and that their provision of strategies-based instruction enhances students learning by empowering them to engage in self-directed and autonomous learning.
頁次 071-088
關鍵詞 閱讀理解高分組和低分組 後設認知能力 good and poor comprehenders metacognitive competencies
卷期 11
日期 201307
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學