

篇名 台灣成功學習者之學習策略使用
並列篇名 Successful EFL Learners’ Learning Strategies: Examples from Taiwan
作者 黃聖慧(Huang, Sheng-hui)
中文摘要 語言學習領域的研究發現,不同文化以及地區的學習者會使用不同類別的學習 策略來幫助他們學習外國語言。目前在外語學習策略的研究成果以及其歸類,大多 基於歐美地區學習者之使用調查結果而產生,而近幾年台灣英語學習策略研究也發 現,現有之策略歸類並無法完全適用於台灣之學習環境。為了借重成功學習者的經 驗,以促進台灣其他學生之英語學習,一份歸納台灣成功學習者學習策略使用之研 究顯然有其必要性。本研究旨在調查台灣32位托福成績達到620分以上的學習者之 英語說聽讀寫學習策略使用情況。研究者使用開放性問卷以及訪談方式來蒐集資 料。結果顯示這些學習者偏好使用後設認知學習策略。本文對於這些學習者的學習 策略使用之類別以及其特性將有比較深入之描述以及討論。
英文摘要 Although previous studies have identified several language strategy categories, researchers claimed that strategy uses are not universal. In Taiwan, many researchers found that not all the strategy categories they adopted from other countries fitted the English learners in this context. In order to find out language learning strategies to help English instruction, this study aims at investigating the strategies used by successful English learners in Taiwan. The participants were 32 learners who learned English mainly in Taiwan and have passed high-level English oral exams and obtained TOEFL scores above 620. The researcher tried to find out these learners’ use of learning strategies in improving their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. She used an open-ended questionnaire and interview techniques to collect the data. The results show that the learners favored metacognitive strategies. Also, the strategies the learners used do not show a balanced spread into different strategy categories. The nature and characteristics of the strategies the learners used are identified and discussed in this report.
頁次 081-101
關鍵詞 學習策略 後設認知 英語學習 Language learning strategy Successful language learners Language education Language ability EFL learning
卷期 9
日期 201207
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學