

篇名 有效教学:迷失与重返
並列篇名 Effective Teaching: Losing and Returning
作者 朱文辉
中文摘要 现阶段有效教学的迷失主要表现为线性思维认识的恣意扩张,机械型塑方法的大量滋生,教师主体独白的无限延伸,授人以鱼价值的广泛蔓延,知识灌装的泛滥成灾。实现有效教学本真意蕴的重返,必须回归复杂性理论认识根基,走向时雨春风般的方法缔造,复返对话交往的主体建构,构筑授人以渔的价值假设,转求主动建构的知识摄入。
英文摘要 At present, the losing and returning of effective teaching appeared in that: from linear thinking to complexity theory in epistemology; from disciplining to nurturing in methodology; from monologue of the teacher to interlocution between the teacher and the student; from emphasizing the knowledge to emphasizing the way to get the knowledge; from compulsory infusion to Initiative construction in knowledge learning.
頁次 054-085
關鍵詞 有效教学 迷失 重返 effective teaching losing returning
卷期 8:3
日期 201106
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學