

篇名 高雄市國小一般智能與藝術才能資優生在因應策略與學校適應之研究
並列篇名 Comparison of gifted and artistically talented students with respect to coping strategies and adjustment to school
作者 許嘉容(Hsu, Chia-jung) 、吳裕益(Wu, Yuh-yih)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解國小一般智能及藝術才能資優生在因應策略及學校適應的差異情形,並瞭解因應策略及學校適應的關係。研究以高雄市國小419位五、六年級資優生為對象,採用問卷調查法,研究工具為自編之「學校生活狀況調查表」。資料分別以描述統計、x2檢定、z檢定及結構方程模式等統計方式加以分析。研究結果發現:1.面對不同學校壓力問題時,學生有不同的解決策略。一般智能與藝術才能資優生較多採取自我解決及尋求協助的策略。2.遇到課業問題時,音樂、美術資優生較多會採取尋求協助的策略。五年級學生所採取的正向因應策略高於六年級學生。3.美術資優生的師生適應優於一般資優及音樂、舞蹈資優生;女生在學校適應優於男生;五年級學生在學校適應優於六年級學生。4.一般智能優異與藝術才能資優生的正向因應方式對學校適應均有正向直接效果。最後根據研究結果,提出具體討論與建議,以供相關人員和未來進一步研究之參考。
英文摘要 The main propose of this study was to compare gifted and artistically talented elementary students with respect to coping strategies in school and the ability to adjust to school. In addition, the correlation of coping strategies and adjustment was explored. This study used survey research design. 419 participants were recruited from the 5th and 6th
grade gifted classes of the elementary schools in Kaohsiung city. The research instrument was the School Life Questionnaire. Data were analyzed statistically including descriptive statistics, x2 test, z test and SEM. The main findings were as follows: 1. The coping strategies of students were varied when they encountered different situations of the school.
2. Fine art and music talented students employed assistance seeking when encountering academic problems. The 5th students adopted more positive coping strategies than the 6th students. 3. Fine art talented students adjusted best in student-teacher relationship. Girls had better school adjustments than boys. The 5th students had better school adjustments
than the 6th students. 4. The positive coping strategies of gifted and artistically talented in dance, music and fine art elementary students had direct positive effects on the ability of school adjustments.
The study can hopefully facilitate in-depth discussions on how to improve the performance of the school personnel and researchers in the areas of coping strategies and school adjustments for elementary school students, both gifted and artistically talented students.
頁次 065-095
關鍵詞 一般智能資優生 藝術才能資優生 因應策略 學校適應 gifted students artistically gifted and talented students coping strategies school adjustment
卷期 22
日期 201006
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系