

篇名 重新檢視高等教育國際化與競爭力之關係──以領域學者觀點為例
並列篇名 Re-examining the Relationship between the Internationalization of Higher Education and Competitiveness from the Perspectives of Academics across Disciplines
作者 姜麗娟
中文摘要 在全球學術競賽中,高等教育國際化與競爭力的關係,似乎成為理所當然的一種想像,基於此,本文擬從文獻剖析高等教育國際化與競爭力之間的非線性關係,並由高等教育國際化的殖民特性了解高等教育國際化可能成為一種壓迫的論述。除文獻探討外,本研究也針對國內不同領域共52位學者進行訪談,實證性地了解他們對國內高等教育國際化推動與發展的看法及批判。本文主要論點為:國內高等教育應真實地面對高等教育國際化與競爭力之間的非線性關係,清楚地自我定位,而非盲目、忙碌地使國際化成為強勢的競爭力論述,一味地套用所謂的國際標準,形成高等教育中對於「國際化指標數據」無貢獻者的一種壓迫文化!最後,本文提出數項國內高等教育國際化發展應重新思考的面向,並期待研究結果有助於國內高等教育面對全球的學術競賽時,有更深的自我認識。
英文摘要 In the global intellectual race, the linear relationship between the internationalization of higher education (HE) and competitiveness is taken for granted. Through extensive literature review, the non-linear relationship between the internationalization of HE and competitiveness is identified and the characteristics of colonization of internationalization of HE is examined for understanding how internationalization of HE becomes an oppression discourse instead of the means of improving higher education quality. Beyond the literature, the study adopts interview as data collection to empirically understand 52 academics’ views and critiques towards the current development of internationalization of HE. Based on the main findings, the study argues that Taiwan should recognize the non-linear relationship between the internationalization of HE and competitiveness, to have clear self-identification, to avoid blindly the application of the internationalization indicators, and to be aware of the formation of oppression culture toward those who are not contributors to internationalization. Finally, the certain perspectives put into rethinking the further development of internationalization of HE are proposed in order to facilitate further self-understanding in the process of global intellectual race.
頁次 39-72
關鍵詞 competitiveness academic colonization internationalization of higher education global intellectual race 競爭力 學術殖民 全球學術競賽 高等教育國際化
卷期 4:2
日期 200912
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會