

篇名 超級業務員的習慣領域解析-以金融業為例
並列篇名 An Analysis of Super-Salesmen’s Habitual Domains – A Case Study of Banking and Finance Sector
作者 卓文乾(Chuo,Wen-chien) 、陳寶貴(Chen,Poa-kuei)
中文摘要 習慣,為什麼可以成為推動績效的力量?此乃因人是習慣的動物,我們95%的行為都出自於習慣;很多臨場反應,大多出自自動化反射行為,所有專業上表現優異的人,正是因為發現唯有把專業技術轉化為一種反射行為,透過一再重複成為下意識習慣後,才能愈做愈輕鬆。本文以南山人壽群真通訊處處經理張雲翔、中國人壽金冠通訊處襄理蔡秀貞、國泰人壽新竹區主任暨行銷總銷彭瑾瑜及台新銀行客戶關係經理陳宏璋等4位金融及壽險業傑出之超級業務員為例,將其「黃金好習慣」分為績效管理、客戶管理、時間管理、壓力管理及生活(涯)管理等幾個面向,依30雜誌2012年4月之半結構式深度訪談內容,以習慣領域學說解析。經分析結論,渠等確因豐盛的習慣領域而成功,他人亦可透過模仿學習以擴展業務能力,並增進臺灣整體的經濟競爭力。
英文摘要 Why can habit be regarded as the driving force of high performance in Salesmanship ? The reason is that human beings are creatures of habit. Fully 95 percent of our behaviors are habitual, or occur in response to strong external stimuli. Spontaneity often results fromreaction from a given stimulus. High performers can complete tasks at ease by transforming their expertise into reflective behaviors that’s created by subconscious habits. In this article, we use real-world examples of good habits from four outstanding financial managers and divide these habits into five categories: performance management, customer management, time management, stress management, and career management. These managers are Peng, Ching-Yu, the Marketing Director of Cathay Life insurance in Hsinchu branch; Chen, Hung-chang, the customer relationship manager of Taishin International Bank; and other two super-salesmen. Based on semi-structured, in-depth interviews, analysis, and application of Habitual Domains theory, the 30 Magazine’s April 2012 issue concluded that the success of these managers was indeed due to their rich habitual domains. Others can learn from them by developing good habits to expand their own business capability, thereby improving the overall economic competitiveness of Taiwan.
頁次 051-068
關鍵詞 習慣領域(HD, Habitual Domains) 超級業務員 Habitual Domains (HD) Super-Salesman
卷期 5:1
日期 201311
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會