

篇名 《尼各馬科倫理學》的友誼論及其對教育的啟示
並列篇名 The Concept of Philia of Nicomachean Ethics and Its Inspirations for Education
作者 詹家惠(Chia-Hui Jan)
中文摘要 本文旨在耙梳指涉人際倫理的philia (友誼或友愛)於亞里斯多德倫理學代表作 《尼各馬科倫理學》的意涵,並分析友誼作爲一種德行的本源及其所引發的爭議與問 題。研究發現:「理性的自愛」即「愛自身的理性」是爲友誼之本,也是追求幸福的 泉源,具有強烈的實現活動意涵。本文發現從教育學的角度觀照亞里斯多德倫理學, 不僅能超克亞里斯多德以「理性自愛」爲友誼之本的爭議,亦使亞里斯多德倫理學對 於當今的教育展現積極的意義與啓示。
英文摘要 The aims of this paper are to deduce the meanings of “philia” in Aristotle’s(Nicomachean Ethics) and analyze the foundation and its disputes of “philia as a virtue”. This paper discovers that selflove based on reason is to love his/her own reason, which is the foundation of philia and also the energy of pursuing happiness. Aristotle's concept of philia is intensely related to realizing the conduct. Meanwhile, this paper advocates regarding Aristotle's Ethics with the viewpoint of pedagogy, which would surmount the disputes on the foundation of philia, and furthermore, in this way, inspirations for education emerge from Aristotle’s Ethics.
頁次 073-091
關鍵詞 亞里斯多德 尼各馬科倫理學 友誼 理性 Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics philia/friendship reason
卷期 17
日期 201006
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所