

篇名 為難與難為―處理「教學不力或不能勝任工作」教師之個案研究
並列篇名 The Dilemma of Dealing with an Incompetent Instructor in an Elementary School
作者 洪麗卿
中文摘要 本研究係處理「教學不力或不能勝任工作」在定義與制度不完善下所引起的校內紛爭議題。本研究以北部一所有效處理「教學不力或不能勝任工作」教師(以下簡稱教學不力教師)的國小為研究場域,採半結構式訪談和文件分析等方式進行質性個案研究,旨在分析處理歷程所面臨的制度結構面和政治權力面的問題,以呈現處理教學不力教師之校內複雜的動態拉鋸現象,以及校本處理機制與學校文化間的斷裂關係。研究發現,處理教學不力教師之難為在於:一、教師集體審視效力不足;二、內部動態力量拉扯嚴重;三、校內主動管理機制未臻健全;四、舉證形式缺乏具體規範;五、評鑑人員權益保障未見周全。文末根據研究結果提出六點建議,俾利未來教育行政機關規劃與爾後各校遭遇類似問題之實施參考。
英文摘要 Dealing with an incompetent instructor is a difficult and time-consuming task, and it requires a complicated process and campus-wide negotiations. This case study explores how staff members at an elementary school in northern Taiwan dealt with the dilemma of an incompetent instructor. It also analyzes the gap between the school's instructor culture and the school-based structured system for dealing with incompetent instructor. There are three purposes of this study: 1) analyzing the practices and the plights of dealing with incompetent instructors; 2) exploring the psychological struggles and the role conflicts of the faculty members expressing different voices; 3) creating knowledge from the case that will provide further reflection for professional development and empower teachers for social justice. This study applied document analysis and semi-structured interview methods to provide significant information to achieve these purposes. The study found five difficulties in dealing with an incompetent instructional in an elementary school. First, the school culture did not encourage teachers to evaluate their colleagues' performance. Second, conflicts and pressure emerged when the stakeholders decided whether or not to support the incompetent instructors. Third, the school did not establish a system to deal with incompetent instructors. Fourth, the administrative procedures and the forms of evidence were not explicitly defined. Fifth, the evaluators' rights were not wellprotected. In conclusion, this paper provides six suggestions according to the findings.
頁次 033-071
關鍵詞 不適任教師 教師表現 教師評鑑 教學不力 incompetent teacher teacher performance teacher evaluation instructional incompetency
卷期 11:2
日期 201212
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院