

篇名 國民小學教師對九年一貫課程關注階段與使用層次之比較研究
並列篇名 A Comparative Study on Elementary School Teachers' Stages of Concern and Levels of Use of 9-year Joint Curriculum
作者 邱慧玲
中文摘要 本研究旨在應用Hall等人所提出的關注本位採用模式,了解目前國小教師面對九年一貫課程的適應方式,並探討2002年與2010年國小教師對九年一貫課程的關注階段與使用層次的差異。在研究方法上採用問卷調查法,以高雄市、臺中市及苗栗縣三個縣市之國民小學級任教師為研究對象。研究結果顯示,比較2002年與2010年,國小教師對九年一貫課程的最高關注階段與使用層次皆停滯在「結果關注」與「機械地使用」層次。據此,本研究提出2項建議,以供參酌。
英文摘要 This main purpose of this study, based on the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), were to explore elementary school teachers' Stages of Concern (SoC) and Levels of Use (LoU) of 9 year Joint Curriculum. Furthermore, the differences between in 2002 and 2010. Its was a survey study across Kaohsiung City, Taichung City and Miaoli County. The major findings of this study were that from 2002 to 2010, elementary school teachers' Stage of Concern of 9-year Joint Curriculum was still “Consequence Stage”, and elementary school teachers' Level of Use of 9-year Joint Curriculum was still “Mechanical Use”. Finally, our study submits two suggestions for consideration.
頁次 027-048
關鍵詞 九年一貫課程 關注本位採用模式 關注階段 使用層次 9-year Joint Curriculum Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Stage of Concern Level of Use
卷期 4
日期 201106
刊名 臺灣教育發展論壇
出版單位 新竹教育大學教育學系