

篇名 别对我期望太高:运动领域中的自我设限
並列篇名 Don't Expect Too Much From Me:Self-Handicapping in Sport
作者 孙青 、张力为
中文摘要 运动领域中存在自我设限行为。自我设限是指个体针对可能到来的失败威胁而事先设计障碍的自我保护策略,可分为行动式自我设限及自陈式自我设限。抬举他人也是一种特殊形式的自我设限。自我设限的动机有自我价值和印象管理两种理论解释。与自我设限相关的因素包括归因、自尊、目标定向、群体凝聚力、任务性质及性别等。在前人研究的基础上,从实践的角度为教练员正确处理自我设限问题提供了建议。从理论上提出身体自尊可能是运动员整体自尊和自我设限之间的中介变量。
英文摘要 Self-handicapping can be easily found in sport. Self-handicapping is a strategy of self-protection when individuals face an evaluation threat. Self-handicapping can be divided into two main categories; they are behavioral self-handicapping and claimed self-handicapping. Other-enhancement is a specific strategy of self-handicapping. Self-handicapping strategies can be used for the purposes of self-worth protection and impression management. Attribution, self-esteem, goal orientation, group cohesion, task quality, and gender are related with self-handicapping. Suggestions are provided for coaches to deal with self-handicapping in sport. Physical self-esteem is suggested to be a mediator between athlete’s global self-esteem and self-handicapping.
頁次 956-960
關鍵詞 自我设限 自我价值 印象管理 运动员 self-handicapping self-worth impression management athlete
卷期 14:6
日期 200611
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所