

篇名 校本課程領導與課程評價
並列篇名 School-based Curriculum Leadership and Curriculum Evaluation
作者 李子建
中文摘要 校本課程發展可說是課程改革的一個核心議題。本文嘗試把課程領導和課程評鑑在校本課程發展的脈絡中作一綜合討論。文章分為四部分:第一部分探討課程領導及課程評價的意涵;第二部分討論課程領導、課程評鑑及校本課程發展三者的關聯;第三及第四部分分別探討校長課程領導,以及技術與非技術取向的校本課程領導與課程評鑑。
英文摘要 School-based curriculum development is seen as one of the core issues in curriculum reform. This article attempts to discuss, in an integrated manner, curriculum leadership and curriculum evaluation under the context of school-based curriculum development. The article is divided into four parts. The first part explores the meaning of curriculum leadership and curriculum evaluation. The second part discusses the association among curriculum leadership, curriculum evaluation and school-based curriculum development. The third and fourth part explores principal’s curriculum leadership as well as technical and non-technical approaches to curriculum leadership and curriculum evaluation respectively.
頁次 103-117
關鍵詞 校本課程發展 課程領導 課程評價 School-based curriculum development Curriculum leadership Curriculum evaluation
卷期 1:1
日期 200509
刊名 課程研究
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司