

篇名 國民中小學「攜手計畫課後扶助方案」執行現況之研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Implementation of the After School Alternative Program in the elementary and junior high schools
作者 顏國樑 、黃建順 、范明鳳
中文摘要 本研究之目的在探討新竹縣國民中小學教育人員,對「攜手計畫課後扶助方案」在縣市政府與學校層級的執行情形,以及學校在執行上的困境與需求的看法。本研究採用問卷調查法,以新竹縣國民中小學99年度參與「攜手計畫課後扶助方案」的教育人員為研究對象,共發出551份問卷,有效問卷444份,佔總樣本數81%。經統計分析後,本研究之主要發現如下:一、男性、41~50歲,以及51歲(含)以上、服務年資21年(含)以上、碩士、校長,以及承辦攜手計畫的主任或組長之教育人員在「縣市政府層級執行情形」層面之認同度有顯著差異。二、國小、41~50歲、都市地區之教育人員在「學校層級執行情形」層面之認同度有顯著差異。三、男性、校長之教育人員在「學校在執行上的困境」層面之認同度有顯著差異。四、國小、校長,以及承辦攜手計畫的主任或組長之教育人員在「學校在執行上的需求」層面之認同度有顯著差異。五、新竹縣執行上需待加強的是研發攜手計畫各科補救教材、與大專院校或民間團體合作,以及辦理攜手計畫親師座談會。六、新竹縣執行上遭遇到的困境是受輔學生程度差異大與教學人員需要填報的表件太多。七、新竹縣提升教育人員參與意願的最佳方法,是提供教學與行政人員獎勵、提供教學人員適當的補救教材,以及減少教學人員填報表件。
英文摘要 The aim of this study is to investigate the opinions of the educational personnel in the elementary and junior high schools in Hsinchu County about the implementation of the program in county–city level, in school level,and to know their difficulties and need while implementing the program. Questionnaire survey were used in the research, and the objects of the research were the educational personnel who were in charge of the“After School Alternative Program”in the elementary and junior high schools in Hsinchu County during the school year of 2010. Out of the 511 Questionnaires ,444 are valid ,about 81% of the whole samples.Through investigation and statistical analysis, the conclusions are as follows:1.male, 41 to 50 years old and above 51(51 included), service years over 21 years ,Masters, principals, chiefs and section chiefs in charge of the program,their degrees of recognition toward the implementation of the program in county – city level , apparent distinction.2.the educational personnel in the elementary schools,41 to 50 years old , in urban areas, their degrees of recognition toward the implementation of the program in school level , apparent distinction.3.male principals, degrees of recognition toward the difficulties while implementing, apparent distinction.4.in the elementary schools, principals, chiefs and section chiefs in charge of the program, degrees of recognition toward the needs    while implementing, apparent distinction.5.What needs to be reinforced in Hsinchu County while implementing is to develop supplementay teaching materials, to cooperate with universities or private organizations, and to held teacher-parent forum.6.The major difficulties while implementing the program in Hsinchu County are the difference gap of the students’ learning abilities and the large amount of forms to fill-in.7.The best ways to encourage the educational personnel in Hsinchu County to implement the program are to award awards to the teachers and administrative personnel, to provide them appropriate supplementary teaching materials, and to decrease the amounts of the forms for them to fill in.
頁次 001-026
關鍵詞 攜手計畫課後扶助方案 國民中小學 新竹縣教育人員 After School Alternative Program the elementary and junior high schools the educational personnel in Hsinchu County
卷期 4
日期 201106
刊名 臺灣教育發展論壇
出版單位 新竹教育大學教育學系