

篇名 重新理解寓教于乐
並列篇名 Re-Understanding Blending Profit With Delight
作者 余庆
中文摘要 寓教于乐作为课堂教学的方法,在教育实践中受到很多教师的青睐,但现实中也存在诸多弊端。本文从词源及日常与境的角度作为文本的“寓教于乐”进行剖析,阐述其教育学意蕴,说明“教”与“乐”的本然联系,并就其在现实教学中的问题进行解析,批判对其的简单化、技术化、庸俗化的理解,使人们重新理解寓教于乐。
英文摘要 As one method of class teaching, blending profit with delight has been paid much attention by many teachers in pedagogical practice, but in reality, there are many disadvantages, and even someone takes it as a yardstick of teaching appraisal. This thesis analyses “blending profit with delight” as the text form the point of etymology and daily context, interprets its pedagogical ideorealm and explains the natural connection between “teaching” and “delight”. In order to make people re-understand it, this thesis also analyses the problems in real teaching situation in the light of blending profit with delight, and criticizes the simplistic、technical and vulgar understanding of blending profit with delight.
頁次 30-34
關鍵詞 寓教于乐 实践 快乐 兴趣 Blending Profit and Delight. Practice Pleasure Interest
卷期 7:6
日期 201006
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學