

篇名 绰号中的教育艺术--初中生绰号行为分析及建议
並列篇名 The Education Art in Nickname:Analysis and Suggestion on Junior Students
作者 陈颖 、董彩英
中文摘要 初中生绰号行为是一个很普遍的现象,在学生中的影响十分广泛,但并没有引起教育者的足够重视。本文对绰号的内涵特征、绰号行为的影响和产生原因进行分析,发现初中生绰号形象描摹人物特点,但是缺乏内涵;绰号影响积极消极并存,而产生原因包括初中生自身特点、家庭、学校、社会多方面的因素。基于以上几方面的特征,笔者提出以下建议:抓住绰号内涵特点,使学生学会欣赏绰号、取高雅的绰号;引导学生正确运用绰号;利用绰号资源,发挥绰号的积极影响;从绰号产生的原因入手,把握各方面的条件对学生的影响。
英文摘要 Nicknaming is a common phenomenon existing in junior students, which leads a wide influence among students. Attention paid to it is not enough yet. This article, through the analysis of the connotation, influence as well as the causing reasons for nickname, indicates three points:Firstly, the nickname existing in junior students, which can describe the characteristics of people vividly, is superficial; Secondly, both positive and passive effects exist; Thirdly, causing reasons are complex, ranging from family, school to society. Basing on these, following suggestions are deduced:to enable students to appreciate nickname and give elegant nickname; to give some guides on the using of nickname; to make good use of the positive affect of nickname; to make sure that most of the elements causing this phenomenon are considered and well-utilized.
頁次 56-60
關鍵詞 初中生 绰号 建议 Junior Students Nickname Suggestion
卷期 7:4
日期 201004
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學