

篇名 探思幼兒道德教育實踐的進路—道德情感的關照
並列篇名 A Study of the Praxis of Moral Education for Young Children: A View from Moral Affection
作者 施宜煌(Shih,Yi-Huang )
中文摘要 本文旨在從道德情感層面探思幼兒道德教育實踐的進路。為完成上述探究旨趣,本文透過哲學的文獻分析與理論詮釋的方式,首先試圖藉由分析相關文獻梳理出道德情感的核心要素;其次,再以先前所梳理出的道德情感核心要素為論述基礎,探思幼兒道德教育實踐的進路。探思之後這些實踐進路分別為:(1)幼兒尊重別人能力的涵養;(2)幼兒正義感的育成;(3)幼兒關懷心的陶育;(4)幼兒同情心的培養;(5)幼兒寬恕心的陶冶;(6)幼兒道德責任感的養成;(7)幼兒愛心的喚起。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the praxis of moral education for young children from the view of moral affection. For this purpose, by the methods of philosophical literature analysis and theoretical hermeneutics analysis, this study first aimed to analyze the key elements of moral affection. Second, based on the key elements of moral affection, this study explored the praxis of moral education for young children. The results are as follows: (1)cultivating the ability to respect others; (2)promoting a sense of justice; (3)cultivating the ability to care for others; (4)cultivating the ability to sympathize with others; (5)cultivating the ability to forgive others; (6) forming the moral responsibility; (7) cultivating love.
頁次 131-149
關鍵詞 幼兒 幼兒道德教育 道德 道德情感 Young Children Moral Education for Young Children Morality Moral Affection
卷期 16
日期 201601
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系