

篇名 兩位大班幼兒在班級中之情緒調節歷程探究
並列篇名 Chinese Reading Literacy of Remote Junior High Students:A Study of Han and Atayal Students
作者 張婷月 、蘇育令
中文摘要 本研究採用個案研究方法、探討幼兒在班級中之情緒調節歷程,教師在歷程中之角色、並了解幼兒本身對情緒調節歷程的看法。研究對象為兩位大班幼兒;研究者透過觀察、訪談與研究者省思札記作為主要資料蒐集來源。 本研究之結果與發現如下: 一、在幼兒情緒調節的歷程中,會有激起幼兒不合宜情緒之情境,激起個案幼兒情緒之情境不盡相同。 二、兩位個案幼兒面對情境刺激時,會運用不同的情緒調節策略。在同一個情緒事件中,個案幼兒會交互運用不同策略,使情緒獲得調節。 三、 在幼兒情緒調節歷程中,教師所扮演的角色有:關心者、協調者、教導者、壓抑者、旁觀者。 四、個案幼兒能覺知情境刺激所帶來的情緒;個案幼兒通常不願意去回溯負面情緒經驗;個案幼兒有自己偏好使用的情緒調節策略。 最後,根據研究結果,提出對幼兒園教師及未來研究之相關建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of this case study was to explore children's emotional regulation in a preschool classroom, to find teacher's roles, and to understand children's views of emotional regulation process. The subjects were two children who were six years old. The data were collected through observation, interviews and the researcher's field notes. The findings of this study were as the followings: 1. During the emotional regulation process, the children's emotions were aroused in different settings. 2. The children used different strategies to regulate their emotion. 3. In children's emotional regulation process, the teacher played the role of care provider, coordinator, instructor, suppressor and non-participating observer. 4. In children's emotional regulation process, the children were aware of their emotions, but they did not like to share and discuss their negative emotional experiences. Finally, this study provided recommendation for teachers and further research.
頁次 127-150
關鍵詞 情緒調節 幼兒 質性研究 Motional regulation Young children Qualitative study
卷期 10
日期 201303
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系