

篇名 学生合作的道德意蕴和现实困境
並列篇名 The Moral Meaning and Obstacles of Students' Cooperation
作者 赵晓莹 、鞠玉翠
中文摘要 教育领域对合作的呼唤,不仅是对教育实践中学生之间种种异化问题的解决方案,更是对哲学研究中从主体走向主体间性思想范式转换的呼应。对学生合作的理解不能只停留在一种学习或活动组织形式上,还需要从主体间性理论角度认识学生合作的精神实质和道德意蕴:作为一种道德的合作意在促进学生成为自为的人,使之意识到他人的共在,通过真诚、开放的对话,建立纯粹的交往关系,走向本具。这些理解和认识能够帮助我们审视现实中学生合作真实存在的问题与困境,为进一步促进学生合作提供启示。
英文摘要 The call for cooperation in education circle serves as not only the solution to the problems of alienation among students, but the response to the shift in thinking paradigm from subjectivity to inter-subjectivity. As one form of study and activity, students' cooperation needs to be comprehended in perspective of inter-subjectivity. It aims to cultivate students to be independent individuals, and to pay attention to others' existence under "Mitsein" to reach the "Good" by means of dialogue. The comprehension above is able to help us locate main obstacles and problems of students' cooperation in real education settings, and provide enlightenment promoting cooperation and communication as well.
頁次 093-101
關鍵詞 学生合作 自为的人 共在 交往 students' cooperation independent individual mitsein communication
卷期 9:6
日期 201212
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學