

篇名 大學繁星計畫執行成效之探討
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of Star Plan in Taiwan's College Entrance System
作者 楊玉惠
中文摘要 教育部為實現教育機會公平之理念,自96學年度起實施「大學繁星計畫試辦計畫」,本文以文件分析法,分析96~99學年度各校錄取情形,驗證該計畫是否達到真正的「公平正義」目標。本文發現:一、繁星計畫試辦4年來,已累計585所高中,共934人首次錄取33所優質大學,相較學校推薦及其他管道,更能達成「高中均質、區域均衡」之目標;二、社區高中的學生錄取人數大於都會地區的明星高中;三、繁星計畫相較其他升學,更能達成「高中均質、區域均衡」之目標,對於實施十二年國教奠定良好的基礎,並給予城鄉高中均等之教育機會,彰顯大學多元入學方案實現「社會正義」的理念。為使該計畫持續發揮功能,裨益更多學生,本文並對於教育部、大學及高中提出未來擴辦之建議。
英文摘要 Star Plan in Taiwan's College Entrance System has been introduced since 2007. The latter is aimed to provide more admission opportunities to students from remote towns and villages, thereby abridging the higher education gap between city and countryside. There are three findings as following:
1. 33 universities, which receive the special subsidy including “The Aim for the Top University Project” and“Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities”, offer the quota of enrollment in this plan, these universities have seen the percentile rank of the academic performance among different senior high schools as equal.
2. In the implemented 4 years, this plan has made 33 universities provide admissions for 934 students from 585 senior high schools, which didn't have any student entering these 33 universities before.
The amount of admitted students coming from the regional senior high schools is significantly larger than from the famous ones in metropolis.
頁次 079-110
關鍵詞 大學繁星計畫 公平正義 申請入學 多元入學 推薦入學 Star Plan in Taiwan's College Entrance System justice individual application System of Diversified University Admissions admission by school recommendations
卷期 6:1
日期 201106
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會