

篇名 父母親的兒童發展信念和幼兒社會情緒行為之相關研究
並列篇名 The Relationship between Parental Beliefs about Child Development and Child’s Social Emotional Behavior
作者 孫麗卿(Sun, Li-ching)
中文摘要 本研究的主要目的在探討影響父母親的兒童發展信念之因素和其信念與幼兒社會情緒行為之間的相關。本研究請160對幼稚園大班的父親和母親個別填寫「基本資料」和「兒童發展信念問卷」,並請幼稚園教師評估對象幼兒在校時發生社會情緒問題行為的頻率。研究結果顯示父母親的教育程度、家庭收入和幼兒的性別會影響父母親的兒童發展信念,教育程度越高的父母親和越高家庭收入的母親越多支持「認知發展論」越少持「學習論」,男孩的父母親比女孩的父母親較支持「認知發展論」。父母親的信念與幼兒社會情緒問題行為的相關不同,母親的學習論分數和幼兒焦慮/憂慮行為呈負相關;父親的成熟論分數和幼兒的社會問題行為呈顯著負相關,而父親的認知發展論分數卻與幼兒的專注力問題行為呈顯著正相關。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to investigate what factors influence the parents’ beliefs about child development, and the relationship between those beliefs and child’s social emotional behavior. The 160 pairs of kindergarten children’s fathers and mothers were asked to fill out the Demographics and Belief about Child Development questionnaires. Also target child’s teachers were asked to assess the frequency of child’s social emotional behavior at school. The results show parents’ education, family income and gender of child make parental beliefs about child development vary. Parents who have and higher level of education and mothers who have higher family income have higher scores on cognitive-developmental beliefs and lower scores on leaning beliefs. Boys’ parents have higher scores on cognitive-developmental beliefs than girls’ parents. The relationships between mothers’ and fathers’ beliefs and child’s social emotional behavior are difference. Mothers’ learning beliefs are negatively related to child’s anxious/depressed behaviors, but fathers’ maturate beliefs are negatively associated to children’s social problem behavior and their cognitive-developmental beliefs are positively related to children’s attention problem behaviors.
頁次 41-63
關鍵詞 父母親信念 兒童發展信念 幼兒社會情緒行為 Parental beliefs Beliefs about child development Child’s social emotional behaviors
卷期 6
日期 201103
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系