

篇名 樂齡學堂設計理念與執行成效之分析—以某大學為例
並列篇名 The analysis of design idea and implementation effectiveness of college-initated elderhostel program: an example of a university
作者 林麗惠
中文摘要 為鼓勵大學校院落實服務社會的功能,教育部於2009年核定補助28所大專校院辦理樂齡學堂專案計畫。本文的主要目的在於以研究者服務之學校為例,分析樂齡學堂的設計理念,並分別從質性、量化二個層面說明辦理成效,進而闡述此一計畫之執行特色,並提出樂齡學堂之推展對於高等教育的啟示,最後再綜以結語。本校以美國老人寄宿所的理念與執行方式為參考依據,規劃教育、旅遊與休閒三要素緊密結合之高齡學習活動,並以促進參與者邁向成功老化為訴求,辦理五天四夜的學習活動。整體而言,參與學員對於樂齡學堂的認同度相當高,多數高齡者認為這樣的活動應該要繼續辦理,並肯定樂齡學堂的執行特色,包括:課程多元化、師資專業化、參與在地化、互動代間化。
英文摘要 In order to encourage the university to practice social service function, the Ministry of Education has sponsored 28 universities to implement the project of college-initated elderhostel program in 2009. The purpose of this paper is to analysis design idea and implementation effectiveness of this project from both perspective of quantity and quality evaluation. In addition, to describe the unique feature of this program, therefore to make a conclusion. This example of a university, design their project based on the concept and operation model of Elderhostel in U. S. A., combined three elements of education, travel and leisure, to enhance the participant toward successful aging. During the 5 days of this project, most of the participants affirm the effectiveness, and propose this kind of project should be continuing, they also promote the features of this project, including: various courses, professional teacher, participation in localization and intergenerational interaction.
頁次 55-70
關鍵詞 少子高齡化社會 高等教育 樂齡學堂 college-initated elderhostel program higher education lower birth rate and aging society
卷期 1
日期 201009
刊名 臺灣教育發展論壇
出版單位 新竹教育大學教育學系