

篇名 [家长参与教育]的国际经验及启示
並列篇名 The Abroad Experience and Enlightenment of [Parent Involvement] in Education
作者 王维
中文摘要 近年来学校不断在进行各种各样的改革,而对于学校教育的天然合作者--家长却没有给予足够的重视。有研究指出[家长参与]对于教育改革是相当重要的因素,家庭的影响力的展现并不亚于学校和老师。但在现实中家长作为学校教育的有力合作者的身份没有很好的被认识和利用,不少学校或者教师潜意识中仍然认为学校教育是正统,家长所能做的只有服从和配合学校。
英文摘要 Nowadays, all kinds of reforms are taken place in schools. While parents-the natural co-worker of school, are not given enough attention, even there is some prejudice and misunderstanding. Research proved that [parent involvement] is a quite important factor in education reforms, and the influence of parents is not less than schools’ and teachers’. But in fact, parents as powerful collaborator of school is not well recognized and utilized. Many schools and teachers still take the school education as orthodox, and the only thing parents can do is obey and coordinate.
頁次 32-61
關鍵詞 中小学校 家长参与教育 elementary and secondary school parent involvement
卷期 6:3
日期 200903
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學