

篇名 童年--复兴于理性,消逝于理性
作者 钟音
中文摘要 现代化的重要特征之一是依赖于理性的人的主体性的发现。理性使儿童拥有属于自己的、独立于成人的世界,其自主性、独立性得以充分的保障。但是过于强调理性一方面会使童年陷入消逝,另一方面会使成人的意识淡薄,成为“儿童化”的成人。此外,中西方的语言表达和编码形式会影响到儿童的思维和个性发展。在这个层面上来讲,童年在孔子时代是未明的。在现代,从表面上看似极力推崇儿童个性化发展,在美国儿童养育观中可以发现,子女和父母的全部关系充满了理性主义或消费主义的倾向,实际上不利于儿童的发展。因此,现代意义上宣称的童年的复兴实际上是自欺的。
英文摘要 One of the main features of modernization is the discovery of subjectivity, which depends upon reason. Reason makes the children own their world, which is independent from adults. Thus, their autonomy and independence enjoy the fully guarantee. However, over-stressing reason will on the one side make the childhood go to vanish and, on the other side make adults become less awareness, even become the one specific to children. In addition, Chinese and western’s expressive and coding pattern of language could influence children’s thinking and the development of individuality. On this level, childhood during the era of Confucianism is unknown. We can find from the American’s seemingly individuality. On this level, childhood during the era of Confucianism is unknown. We can find from the tendency of consumerism and rationalism, which does great harm to the growth of children. Therefore, the alleged childhood reviving is practically self-cheating in modern times.
頁次 041-042
關鍵詞 现代 理性主义 童年 消逝 Modern times Rationalism Childhood Vanishing
卷期 390
日期 200907
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部