

篇名 浅谈英语语音教学
作者 蒋文静
中文摘要 本文主要针对英语教学中的语音学习所存在的问题及现状,从教学方法的角度提出了一些笔者在实际教学中行之有效的措施,如利用汉语拼音正确迁移;通过一些游戏与竞赛在教学中增添趣味性;将音标的教学融入平时单词、短语的讲解中;教会学生查词典,培养他们的自学能力。
英文摘要 In view of the existing problems and present situation of phonetics study in the English teaching, this thesis mainly puts forward some practical and useful methods based on my personal teaching experience from the teaching methods points of vier.    And it also sets forth my personal opinions about the phonetics teaching in detail.    For example, make use of the Chinese phonetic alphabet t teach the English phonetics correctly; add interest in teaching by using a few games or contests; melt the phonetics teaching into the phrases explanation in class; cultivate their self-learning ability by teaching them how to consult the dictionary.    Be the young teacher, we must improve our major knowledge on and on, learn to use various teaching techniques, connect the phonetics teaching with the listening and reading teaching in class.
頁次 51-52
關鍵詞 英语 音标 语音教学 English Phonetic Syllables Phonetics Teaching
卷期 396
日期 200909
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部