

篇名 競逐擴展中的教育市場--英國專業課程發展概況研究
並列篇名 Capturing the Expanding Education Market : The Growing Prominence of Professional Educationa Programmes in England
作者 莫家豪
中文摘要 最近10年以來,英國高等教育經歷了多次重要改革,包括面對政府削資,大學經費減少,高等教育從國家經營模式轉向以市場為主導發展模式。為應付因政府削資帶來營運問題,英國國內(尤以英格蘭)早已倡導「用者自付」及以「學費增幅」的原則來維持高等院校的財政平衡。隨著教育市場的擴展,英格蘭地區不少高等院校不斷推動「專業」碩士及博士課程,積極拓展專業培訓以競逐額外生源,以助大學發展。本文探討近年英國高等院校在專業課程發展概況,並援引英國布里斯托大學教育研究學院及東亞研究中心為例,說明有關學術單位如何發展專業培訓以爭取更多生源,並藉此鞏固專業課程的基礎及發展前景。
英文摘要 In the last few decades, higher education in the U.K. has experienced significant transformations, particularly when the state has continued to reduce its budget for financing higher education. In order to survive in the global market place, higher education institutions in the U.K. have become increasingly entrepreneurial by offering more professionally relevant postgraduate programmes. This paper set out in the wider socio-economic context to examine reasons and ways that taught postgraduate masters and professional education programmes have become increasingly popular in England, and adopted the University of Bristol as a case study to illustrate how a leading school of education and a new research centre have responded to the competition both nationally and globally to transform the teaching and learning strategies by launching professional courses in Bristol and aboard.
頁次 1-36
關鍵詞 專業課程 教育市場 英格蘭高校發展 Professional courses The education market The higher education in United Kingdom
卷期 2:1
日期 200706
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會