

篇名 建立國小英語教師、準教師、師資培育者之教師專業合作社群
並列篇名 Fostering Teacher Community Development: A Collaboration between EFL Elementary Teachers, Prospective Teachers, and a Teacher Educator
作者 葉惠菁(Yeh, Hui-chin)
中文摘要 教師專業社群是透過教師主動成立之合作學習社群以促進教師專業成長。然而,在台灣此種專業成展模式並不普及。因此,本研究旨在探究由小學在職英語教師、準教師、教師培育者共同組成的教師成長團體中其夥伴合作關係如何建立以促進專業對談。此研究所收集的資料用以檢視英語教師如何合作並強化他們的專業知識,以及他們如何執行在社群中共同設計的英語課程以進行教育場域的課程改革。研究結果顯示,此教師社群促進英語教師專業學習共經歷五個階段:(1)成立具有向心力的教師學習社群、(2)進行在職教師、準教師、與教師培育者之間的合作與對談、(3)合作執行共同設計的課程、(4)經由觀察每日的課室觀察以檢驗共同設計之課程的學習效益、(5)互惠式互動討論以達專業成長。教師成長學習社群是一個提升教師的專業知能和激發教學熱忱的專業平台,教師可從分享討論中獲得更新的訊息和知識以強化教師的專業知能。在此教師成長社群的參與者面對教師成長社群的成效給予高度的肯定。
英文摘要 A teacher study group model in collaborative learning for continuous professional development in fostering EFL teachers and educators’ professional development is not widespread in Taiwan. This study aims to investigate how a partnership was established in a teacher study group between the elementary teachers, prospective teachers, and a teacher educator, to engage in a dialogical discourse. Data was analyzed to examine how the elementary school teachers, prospective teachers, and a teacher educator enhanced their domains of knowledge collaboratively, and how they designed and implemented English curricula in a group to make curriculum reforms. Results revealed five stages in the teacher study group that contribute to the effectiveness of EFL teaching and learning: (1) Establishing a stronger learning community, (2) Embarking upon possible collaboration between the EFL elementary teachers, prospective teachers, teacher educator, (3) Collaborating to work on designed lessons, (4) Examining the effectiveness of the collaboratively-designed curriculum through observations in daily classroom practice, and (5) Carrying out reciprocal interactions for professional growth. The EFL learning community served as a forum for teachers to enhance their professional knowledge and to impassion their teaching. Since the participants obtained a lot of information and knowledge from the group meetings, the ideas discussed in the group meetings helped teachers refine their professional knowledge. All teachers held positive attitudes toward the teacher learning community.
頁次 001-020
關鍵詞 教師成長社群 國小教師 教師專業發展 準教師 教師培育者 teacher study group elementary teachers teacher professional development prospective teachers teacher educator
卷期 11
日期 201307
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學