

篇名 教師健康行為、評價性支持與憂鬱傾向之關係:以主觀幸福感為中介變項
並列篇名 Subjective Well-being as a Mediator among the Relationships of Healthy Behavior, Appraisal Support, and Depression in Taiwan Teachers
作者 余民寧 、鐘珮純 、陳柏霖 、許嘉家 、趙珮晴
中文摘要 本研究以全國中小學教師為對象,希望瞭解在教師族群中,健康行為與評價性支持對憂鬱的影響關係,以及個體的主觀幸福感能否在健康行為及評價性支持與憂鬱之間,扮演中介變項的角色。本研究以分層隨機抽樣方式抽取樣本,共獲得1055位有效樣本,分別以健康行為量表、評價性支持量表、主觀幸福感量表及台灣憂鬱症量表進行測量,並以結構方程式模型加以檢視依據評閱文獻結果所提出的初探性中介變項模型。研究結果發現:主觀幸福感完全中介健康行為與憂鬱,也完全中介評價性支持與憂鬱。文末並針對實務工作及未來研究,提出各項具體建議。
英文摘要 This study examined the hypothesis of subjective well-being as a mediator among the relationships of healthy behavior, appraisal support, and depression. Survey data were collected from 1055 teachers in Taiwan with stratified random sampling, and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that subjective wellbeing mediated the relationships between appraisal support, healthy behavior, and depression. Finally, some suggestions for counseling interventions and future researches were proposed.
頁次 023-048
關鍵詞 中介變項 主觀幸福感 健康行為 評價性支持 憂鬱 appraisal support depression healthy behavior mediator variable subjective well-being
卷期 35
日期 201106
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系