

篇名 成人樂活經驗學習歷程之研究
並列篇名 A Study on Experiential Learning Process of LOHAS of Adults
作者 黃朝曦 、吳明烈
中文摘要 為瞭解樂活成人經驗學習歷程,本研究目的共有三項,首先探究成人樂活行動知能經驗學習模式;其次釐清樂活理念推廣經驗學習模式;最後提出成人樂活意識建構的建議。本研究除了以Kolb的經驗學習循環模式作為分析架構,也運用質性研究立意抽樣的半結構式訪談,篩選8位符合樂活價值觀之受訪者,瞭解成人的樂活意念與經驗學習歷程。此外,在研究過程中,根據文獻探討及訪談資料研究結果,發現8位受訪者除了具備相同生活意識與學習態度外,相互間也都能經由樂活行動平行輸出,領悟完整樂活意識,必須結合行動知能與理念推廣兩種經驗學習路徑,才能有效將樂活多元理念廣泛融通的學習經驗特質,在生活歷程中加以實踐落實。本研究最後綜合各項分析資料,提出成人建構樂活意識的具體建議。
英文摘要 This study intends to explore the experiential learning process of LOHAS of adults with three research goals. First, it intends to explain the model of experiential learning in the doing of knowledge and skill of LOHAS. Next, this study analysis the model of the experiential learning in promoting concept of LOHAS of adults, Lastly, a concrete suggestion is made for constructing LOHAS consciousness of adults. Futhermore, the analytical framework of the paper is to use Kolb's model of experiential learning, then the research method is based on qualitative research of the purposive sampling of semistructured interviews, and eight respondents were selected and interviewed. Concluding remarks are drawn from the literature review and the analysis of the interviewees' data as the following: 1) The eight respondents have the same senses of life and learning attitudes; 2) The models of experiential learning of LOHAS for adults include the experiential cycle and the doing of knowledge and skill of LOHAS and LOHAS idea to be promoted as well; 3) A concrete suggestion to constructing LOHAS consciousness of adult includes the responsibility of self and government.
頁次 039-076
關鍵詞 經驗學習 樂活 學習歷程 experiential learning LOHAS learning process
卷期 19
日期 201212
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等