

篇名 古典詩歌的創意轉化教學探析
並列篇名 Teaching of Creative Transformation in Classical Poems
作者 蔡玲婉(Tsai, Ling-wan)
中文摘要 在我國傳統文學中,經典的轉化一直是寫作的重要推動之力。當今社會盛傳「文化創意」,文學課程除了培養文學欣賞能力、陶冶性情之外,如何轉化經典成為創作的力量,也是值得關注的議題。本論文首先呈現「古典詩歌創意轉化教學」單元設計,其次結合中國傳統詩學、詮釋學、接受美學,做為古典詩歌創意轉化的理論基礎。在教學實施時,使用典範實例,從創意構思與表現形式兩方面,引發學生創作的興趣。最後結合創造思考的理論,分析學生的作品與學習心得,探究其實施的效益,以印證此教學的可行性。
英文摘要 In our traditional literature, transforming the classics is always an important push for writing. ‘Culture and creativity’ prevail in the society nowadays. In literature curriculum,despite of developing the appreciation ability and molding the temper, also it’s worth keeping an eye on transforming the classics to be a power of creating. This essay combines the theories of traditional Chinese poetry, Hermeneutics, Reception aesthetics, and creative thinking to be the basis of transformation teaching in the classical literature. Moreover,when bringing into practice, it will integrate patterns of real examples to interest students creating from two aspects of creative thinking and expression styles. At last, analyzing the students’ works and learning reflection, investigating into the effects, to prove the teaching’s feasibility.
頁次 059-082
關鍵詞 詩歌教學 經典轉化 詮釋學 接受美學 創造思考 Teaching poetry the classics transformation Hermeneutics Reception aesthetics creative thinking
卷期 45:1
日期 201104
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學